In Community

Community intervention supports every day success

Kid Sense allied health services can support your child or young adult in their child care, preschool, school or home environment, allowing maximum functional progress in site in ‘their’ everyday  world.

The ability to provide care within the individuals environment and liaise with the environments adults and/or carers can significantly set up students for success in those environments.

For many students, mastering basic skills within the clinic environment so they are then ready to be transferred to the real world can be a crucial first step in the therapeutic progress. For others, the therapist controlled environment and endless supply of new and enticing resources can be the best fit. 

What even your child’s or young adults needs, we can provide the best fit individualized care. 

Community support can support your child’s individual needs.

Therapeutic Observations

(In order to make recommendations)

  • Occurring within the childcare, preschool, school or home, therapeutic observations are useful in order to develop appropriate supports, provide home/educational recommendations of physical services or supports, and/or recommend ‘best fit’ management strategies.


Ongoing therapy appointments

(In the local community in which the child or young adult lives their daily life)

  • Ongoing therapy appointments are specifically focused to the environments needs and supporting the child to achieve in that environment. Educating the supporting adults to effectively set the child/young adult up for success in the environment is a string part of ongoing therapy in community settings.

Community Immersions

(Treatment focused on taking the child into the real world)

  • Community immersion experiences can include familiarising or desensitising the child with an environment, or teaching them how to engage in that environment. Common examples include; buying a Coke at McDonald’s, picking up milk and bread from the supermarket, learning how to catch the bus at the bus stop, navigating the local library, and mastering physical use of the local playground. The options are determined by your child’s needs.

Clinic versus community services are often ideal at different stages of a child/young adults progress, and are based upon our child’s individual needs and personal preferences. 

It is not uncommon for clinic based services to be recommended in order to support specific skill development  before transferring those skills into the community setting.

Further community-based services include our In-Education Services for educators.

For a clear picture of the support your child needs learn more about a full Functional Capacity Assessment.