NDIS Funded Clients Fees & Services

Costs of Service

  • Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy services are both charged the same hourly rate
  • All therapist types (face to face, phone, teletherapy, documentation) is charged at the same hourly rate (*Note: Community visits involve additional costs)
  • For NDIS participants, all fees are charged at the NDIS rate as specified in the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits Guide
  • All NDIS participants are charged at the same rate as non-NDIS clients (as per the NDIS Code of Conduct Amendments July 2023)
  • Payment terms vary according to way in which the clients NDIS funds are managed (refer to the Payment Terms table below).

NDIS Information Transparency Obligations

Utilizing NDIS funding requires the participant to comply with the NDIS and Service Providers (Kid Sense) Pricing and Policies. In turn, the NDIS service provider (Kid Sense) must comply with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits Guide.
So that Kid Sense can comply with the NDIS requirements to support the NDIS participant, parents/carers are required to provide Kid Sense with the following information:

  • NDIS Participants Plan (or at least their Participant number)
  • NDIS Plan start and end dates
  • NDIS Funding details – management types dependent.
  • If Plan Managed, their Plan Management company and contact details.
  • If the NDIS funding types (or management details) change, the parent/carer is required to advise Kid Sense of the changes.

With the above information, Kid Sense therapists are then able to meet their NDIS transparent reporting obligations for the client which is necessary for them to retain funding.

Appointment Timing

  • Appointment time commences at the scheduled time for the duration of 60 mins (approx 45 min. direct and 15 approx min. mandatory reporting recording and future treatment planning)
  • If late arrival, the child only benefits the remaining direct scheduled face to face time. The appointment is charged in its entirety regardless of the child’s arrival time.
  • At the end of direct appointment time, the child’s care then reverts to the parent/carer who brought the child to the appointment (including if the appointment is via Tele-therapy). The child is then no longer under the therapists care as they are likely to have back to back therapy appointment scheduled requiring their attention.
Kid Sense Fees and Services 2024
*All fees are charged at the NDIS rate specified in the current

NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits Guide

*All NDIS participants are charged at the same rate as non-NDIS clients (as per the NDIS Code of Conduct Amendments July 2023)
Assessment Triage Phone Appt
30 mins Phone Appt (to plan appropriate assessment focus, activities & reporting needs)
Initial Appointment / Assessment
Service Duration Cost
Short assessment
(No Report)
(Direct) 60 Mins Assessment

(Indirect) Scoring, interpretation, analysis of results & Treatment Planning
Short assessment
(Report Included)
(Direct) 60 Mins Assessment

(Indirect) Scoring, interpretation, analysis of results & Treatment Planning

(Indirect) 60 Mins Assessment Written Report
Short assessment
(Report Included)
(Direct) 120 Mins Assessment

(Indirect) Scoring, interpretation, analysis of results & Treatment Planning

(Indirect) Written Report
Treatment (Direct Services)
(Direct) Treatment
(Direct) 45 Mins Assessment

(Indirect) 15 Mins Progress recording & Treatment Planning
(Direct) Treatment
Any Indirect treatment listed below conducted at the hourly rate (pro rata) $193.99
(Direct) Treatment appointments can include:

  • Face to Face Clinic Appointments
  • Parent/school/ Allied Health Provider Conference (discussion rather than intervention focused)
  • Tele-therapy Services
  • Phone appointments (to Teachers / Family / Allied Health Practitioners)
  • Community Visits
Community Visits (school/kindy/childcare/home/playground etc)
Quote provided upon request to specified location

Charged pro rata at the hourly rate and additional travel and petrol costs
Hourly rate of


*charged pro-rata
TREATMENT APPOINTMENTS / 'Value Ad' Documentation (Indirect Service)
Indirect Therapy includes 'value add' supports to therapeutic needs across environments

  • Assessment / Progress reporting
  • Extensive home/school recommendations
  • Detailed Home Programs
  • Equipment Prescription
  • Visual Cues to support home / classroom integration
Hourly rate of


*charged pro-rata
Kid Sense charges 2024 for
Non Attendance or Cancellation of Scheduled Appointments
Medicare Private
48 (business ) Hrs notice required.

$100 Fee (not covered by Medicare)
48 (business) Hrs notice required.

$ 100 Fee
Non-Attendance or Cancellation of Scheduled Appointments Fees 2024
*Non-Attendance is charged at the same rate as an advised cancellation.

*All fees are charged at the NDIS rate specified in the current

NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits Guide
Assessment Triage Phone Call Appointment
Full 5 (business) days notice of non-attendance is required to prevent cancellation fees.

Full 5 (business) days notice of non-attendance is required to prevent cancellation fees of $96,95.

Following 2 scheduled but missed Assessment Triage Phone call Appointments, this assessment is omitted and the initial appointment is held regardless.
Initial Appointment / Assessment
Full 5 (business) days notice of non-attendance is required to prevent cancellation fees.

Failure to provide 5 (business) days notice of cancellation will result in a charge of: the Full fee for each and every 60 min appt scheduled on the day (eg if having assessment AND Report Writing is scheduled on the same day).
Treatment (whether direct or indirect)
Full 5 (business) days notice of non-attendance is required to prevent cancellation fees.

Failure to provide full 5 (business) days notice of cancellation will result in a charge of: Full fee for each and every 60 min appt scheduled on the day (including the location visit itself, travel time to and from the location, AND any scheduled Documentation time).

If the therapist is required to leave the community visit (due to risk/ safety issues, or if the Risk Assessment Action Plan is not being adhered to by the parent/carer) the full cost of the scheduled community visit will be charged (regardless of how long the therapist attends).
Privately Funded Medicare
48 (business) Hrs notice required.

$ 100 Fee
48 (business) Hrs notice required.

$100 Fee (not covered by Medicare)
Community Visits
Full 48 (business) Hrs notice of non-attendance is required to prevent cancellation fees.

Failure to provide full 48 (business) Hrs notice of cancellation will result in a charge of:

$100 for each 60 min appt scheduled on the day regardless (including the location visit itself, travel time to and from the location, AND any scheduled Documentation time). If the therapist is required to leave the community visit (due to risk/ safety issues, or if the Risk Assessment Action Plan is not being adhered to by the parent/carer) the full cost of the scheduled community visit will be charged (regardless of how long the therapist attends).
Payment Terms
NDIS Self Managed NDIS Plan Managed NDIS Agency Managed
Payment method Parent/carer pays direct to Kid Sense Kid Sense lodges invoice to the Plan Management Provider specified by the parent/carer Kid Sense lodges invoice to the NDIA on behalf of the client
Payment Due Date Full Payment on the day of service or Full payment required within 72 business hours of the service. Full payment as specified in the Kid Sense Service Agreement with client and the Plan Management Company. Full payment as specified in the Kid Sense Service Agreement with the client and NDIA.

Additional Policy

The parent/carer agrees that Kid Sense Child Development will hold a general common law lien over all personal records, files, papers and documents relating to services provided, including electronic data produced (documents) as a result services provided & which are in Kid Sense Child Development’s possession or control, as security for all outstanding amounts owed by you to Kid Sense Child Development including but not limited to unpaid tax invoices, interest, default costs and enforcement expenses (Outstanding Amounts) until all Outstanding Amounts are paid in full.

Changes to NDIS Pricing and /or Policies

  • In the event of NDIS
  • Pricing Arrangements and Price Limit changes as well as policy changes, the NDIS will advise participants of these changes. As such, NDIS participants agree to these changes in advance.
  • In the event of NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limit changes, Kid Sense charges and policies will likely reflect the NDIS changes.
  • As such, NDIS participants attending Kid Sense services also agree to these NDIS changes in advance.
  • In the event of Kid Sense specific price or policy changes, clients will be informed *assuming they consent to receive general clinic updates.
  • It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to check these policies for changes on a regular basis. By continuing appointments with Kid Sense, you agree to any changes to the Kid Sense Terms and Conditions and policies.


In the event of outstanding payments beyond the specified payment terms above, Kid Sense reserves the right to cancel future appointments with 72 (Business) Hrs notice until outstanding payments have been cleared. *All reasonable attempts to secure payment preceding these actions.

Clients who fail to make payment with the payment terms specified above 3 times in 3 months will be required to pay the cost of the cancellation fee (the full cost of the service for that day) in advance for their future appointments in order to secure them.

Self Managed Clients Only who do not make payment within payment  terms:

Kid Sense reserves the right to charge interest on tax invoices which are not paid by the due date. Interest will be calculated compounded daily at a rate of 6% above the prevailing Reserve Bank of Australia official cash rate.  We reserve the right to recover all default costs and enforcement expenses in the event tax invoices are not paid by the due date, and recovery action is necessary.

Self Managed Clients

To help independently manage their funds effectively, the NDIS provides the following references:

In every interaction we ask: 

how can we improve the child’s daily life, not what therapy can we offer?