
At Kid Sense we try to be as helpful as we can in giving families and professionals valuable resources to assist in the care of a child with developmental challenges.

Our therapists are experts in their field and regularly write blogs and social media posts. They are normally packed full of tips and practical exercises you can enjoy with your child.

Through our many years working in clinical practice, as well as therapeutic consultation with child care, kindergarten and school teachers in South Australia we have developed many checklists and charts. They list the ‘typical’ child development by age and the possible implications if a child has not reached typical developmental milestones, and can be an incredibly useful guide if you think something is not quite right with your child.

Our unique Development Detector is a screening tool to help you work out issues of concern and what you can do about them.

If you’d like to discuss your concerns with Kid Sense please call us on 1800 543 736.

Developmental Charts

The following charts list the ‘typical’ child development by age and the possible implications if a child has not reached typical developmental milestones. Please note that these charts are only a guide and are in not way a definitive assessment tool.

How to use these charts: These charts can be used as a guide to screen if children are reaching roughly appropriate developmental milestones for their age. They can also also be used to help establish determine child care, kindy or school curriculum or home-based activities.

Developmental Checklists

The following checklists allow an observer to check off which skills are being displayed by an individual child within the developmental area of interest.

How to use these checklists: These checklists can used to by parents or teachers to screen an individual child’s skills, by giving ticking ‘Yes” or ‘No’ to a series of skills and then giving a rough indication of what is outside the developmental norm for that age. Where developmental delays are evident, this may indicate the benefit in seeking Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy consultation.

Talk to Kid Sense about your worries. Together we turn worried into wonderful.